Pacelli had a Veterans Day Observance at the All Saints Arena that was open to relatives, families, friends, board members, donors, and anyone associated with Pacelli. The first graders and "God Bless America" followed by the high school choir singing the National Anthem followed by John Brunner, Marine Corps Vietnam Veteran, Q&A. Andrew, Arii, & Avari helped with the 13 folds of the flag. The observance ended with the Armed Forces Medley and a slideshow of veterans connected to Pacelli students and teachers and alumni. Read more about John Brunner's Q&A.
John Brunner, Marine Corps Vietnam Veteran, answered questions from high school students about his experience in the Marine Corps and Vietnam. Both Brunner's scariest memory and the memory that sticks with him the most was coming home. He talked about the protests during the war and the difficulty of coming home. A student asked about his time in Vietnam and his experience with civilians. He did not have much experience with civilians, but he proceeded to tell the students that, "we take what we have for granted. They do not have what we have and we do not appreciate it." Brunner said the hardest part of deployment was being away from family. They only had letters and did not have phones, computers, or tv to connect them with home. There was not much free time but when they were not on patrol they would play cards, write letters, or go to the PX. Before going on patrol, they would have one free day, followed by a day of training at the beach or in rubber boats with the third day of preparation. When asked what combat was like Brunner said, “You would think you would be afraid but you were not. Your training would kick in. You did your job. Until after then you may feel some emotion.” Brunner also said, “(I) Don’t remember any emotion, you just did your job.” When asked if joining was a wise choice, Brunner answered with a resounding, “Yes.”